How Much Does Carpet Stain Removal Cost?

carpet cleaning

How Much Does Carpet Stain Removal Cost?

By Colton Lynch 8 months ago carpet cleaning

For the complete cleaning of your carpets especially when they have stains, more than vacuuming is needed. Well-planned carpet stain removal is one of the things that can make a difference to your stained carpets and you find it like they had no stains. This may call for a professional stain removal service. This blog will share with you carpet stain removal costs in different conditions. Let us understand each aspect of carpet stain removal cost. 

Factors affecting carpet stain removal cost

    A. Type of stain

  1. Common stains (coffee, wine, pet stains, etc.)

The most common but difficult stains include coffee, wine, pet stains, some food stains, etc. These difficult stains require more resources and time for complete removal. So they can cost you more than the removal of some easy stains like fruit juice, lipstick, etc. 

   2. Stubborn or deep-set stains

Firm or deep-set stains will need some expert care and good quality products to treat them. More difficult stains involve candle wax, chewing gum, blue-tac, water, rust and mould. They will cost you even more than the removal of the above stains. 

    B. Carpet material

  1. Synthetic fibres

Synthetic fibre carpets are one of the most budget-friendly options available today. It is a good choice for homes with pets or kids, as these do not soak stains. Stain removal from such carpets is not costly.

 2. Natural fibres (wool, silk, etc.)

Premium quality materials like wool and silk are handled with extra responsibility, following in some more time to perform the stain removal work. The stain removal from these carpets costs more than synthetic fibre carpets. 

 C. Carpet stain size and area

The size of the carpet stains with the inappropriate condition will take longer to fix and will hence cost you more. 

 D. Severity of the stain

The toughness of the stain will need more hard work and appropriate methods. The stains need to be safely removed with proper safety measures, which takes time and costs more.

E. Location or region

Many carpet stain removal experts charge a definite cost based on their location. The best way is to look for nearby carpet experts to do the cleaning as efficiently as possible.

Carpet stain removal methods and associated costs

 A. DIY stain removal cost

1. Carpet stain removal products cost

The stain removal product needed depends on the type and area of the stain. The average cost of removing a stain is $44 to $60. DIY stain removers and cleaning solutions are a better option while handling a hard stain. The price for stain removal products can be as high as $250 to $350.

2. Equipment rental costs 

To clean your stained carpets thoroughly you will need the right equipment. The average price for machine hire for carpet stain removal is $40 for 24 hours. The total cost of the process can be approximately $70.

B. Professional stain removal cost

1. Average stain removal charge by a company

The cost of removing stains typically falls within the range of $40 to $300. However, pet stains often incur higher costs due to their tendency to penetrate deep into the carpet fibres, requiring a substantial amount of time and effort for effective removal.

 2. Additional charges for specific stains or treatments

Some specific stains on the carpets will need certain treatments for the complete removal of the stains. Professionals will charge you with some additional charges as part of the stain removal or treatments. This may cost you between $35 to $50.

3. Scotchgard Protection Cost

There is no fixed cost for Scotchgard protection, some professionals charge 30%-40% of the total cleaning charge they are taking for your carpets. Some provide it at $25-$45 for one room-size carpet. You must discuss this with your professional in advance. 

Additional cost considerations

A. Pre-treatment or spot treatment costs

This involves the pretreatment of your carpet to remove loose dust in the carpet fibres before starting the stain removal process. The cost of this is $5/room.

B. Microbial treatments and costs 

A microbial treatment is spread to break down the bacteria inside the carpet fibres. The cost of this is $15/ room.

C. Maintenance and regular cleaning to prevent stains

For durability, easy cleaning and carpet maintenance you will need regular cleaning to stop stains. This perfect option will cost you $5-$20/ room.


There are different factors affecting carpet stain removal costs. Understanding these factors will help in determining the cost of treatment for the removal of all carpet stains. The Carpet Cleaning Cranbourne will assess the stain before starting any treatment. It will give you tremendous benefits along with a healthy environment if you are finding professional stain removal cost higher than DIY. Accordingly, you can plan a budget-friendly option that can help you in managing the carpets and stains.


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