How To Draw Animals Easy


How To Draw Animals Easy

By Colton Lynch 9 months ago Animals

Drawing animals can be a delightful and rewarding experience, especially when you follow a step-by-step approach. Whether you're a beginner or just looking to improve your animal drawing skills, this easy tutorial is perfect for you. We'll take you through the process of creating adorable animal sketches using simple techniques. So, let's grab our pencils and dive into the world of animal art!

Materials Needed:

Before we get started, gather these essential materials:

  • Drawing paper or sketchbook
  • Pencils (HB, 2B, 4B)
  • Eraser
  • Sharpener
  • Fine-tip markers (optional)
  • Colored pencils or crayons (optional)

Having the right tools will make the drawing process smoother and more enjoyable.

Step 1: Basic Shapes and Outlines

Every animal drawing starts with basic shapes. Use circles, ovals, squares, and rectangles as the foundation for your sketches. These shapes will serve as a guide for the overall structure of the animal's body. Keep the lines light and sketch loosely.

Step 2: Adding Details

Once you have the basic outlines, it's time to add simple details. Observe the animal's features and draw small shapes to represent eyes, nose, ears, and limbs. Keep it basic and avoid intricate details at this stage. Remember, we're focusing on the overall form of the animal.

Step 3: Shading and Coloring

To bring your animal drawing to life, add shading to create depth and dimension. Use your pencils to gently darken areas where shadows fall. Gradually build up the shading for a more realistic effect. If you prefer a colorful drawing, use colored pencils or crayons to add vibrant tones to your sketch.

Step 4: Practice Makes Perfect

Drawing, like any skill, improves with practice. Take the time to draw animals regularly and experiment with different techniques. Embrace mistakes as part of the learning process; they pave the way to improvement and growth. Each drawing you create will bring you one step closer to becoming a confident artist.

Image by <a href="">Freepik</a>

Image by Freepik

Step 5: Use References

When drawing animals, references are your best friends. Look at photos or observe real animals to understand their proportions and characteristics better. References will help you create accurate and lifelike animal sketches.

Step 6: Embrace Your Style

As you gain confidence in drawing animals, don't be afraid to experiment and find your unique style. Art is subjective, and your personal touch will make your drawings stand out. Embrace your creativity and let it shine through your art.


Drawing animals easy may seem daunting, but with the right guidance and practice, you can create impressive animal sketches. Starting with basic shapes and adding simple details will build a strong foundation for your drawings. Remember to use references, practice regularly, and most importantly, have fun with your artistic journey.

Now, it's time to pick up your pencils and let your imagination run wild. Happy drawing!


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