Six Practises You Should Follow When Cleaning Your Curtains

curtain cleaning

Six Practises You Should Follow When Cleaning Your Curtains

By Colton Lynch 1 year ago curtain cleaning

Your home is your den, your comfort zone and nobody would like it dirty so we clean it. We clean our houses everyday and sometimes twice a day but curtains? We forget about them. Some people haven’t washed their curtains since the day they have put them up and months and years have passed. Curtains require maintenance and cleaning even if they don’t seem dirty. The fabrics of curtains absorb and trap dirt and dust like anything and one can become allergic to it. 

Curtains keep heat and light out of the room and provide privacy whenever one requires. It provides the touch of elegance to your house and makes your home beautiful. One cannot have a beautiful house when the curtains are full of dirt, dust, bacteria and pet hair! You can check our blog Factors For Dirty Curtains And Blinds And The Effective Cleaning Methods.

Home curtains cleaning is not as chaotic as one makes it seem. It surely is time consuming but easy if done with correct methods.

Let us Discuss 5 Things to Adopt During Curtain Cleaning, Some are As Follows: 


People often have a lack of patience and try to wash all their curtain panels together. This act leads to improper cleaning or no cleaning at all of the panels. The panels need to be washed one by one or two together at most, nothing more than that to be washed together. 


A golden rule, don’t wash colors with neutrals. Most people don’t notice and wash them together. This results in staining and discoloration of both, specially the neutrals. Colored curtains often wash off their colors while washing and hence it might end up staining the lighter colored curtains. Also you can check out our blog Different Methods Adopted By Experts To Clean Curtains.


Bleaching might make clothes whiter by acting as a whitening solution but this is the total opposite in the case of curtains. Using bleach during curtain cleaning will make the strands of curtain weaker and more prone to breaking and shorter life. 


Always dry your curtains inside in shade under the fan. Never dry them out in the open sun. This will dull the color of your curtains, and also weaken the fabric strands. 


Always remember to read instructions of washing on the curtains before starting any procedure. Every curtain material has different cleaning instructions. Not following those instructions can do serious harm to your curtains. Read some insights on What Are The Benefits Of Professional Curtain Cleaning.

Mild Detergents and Washing:

Your curtains are very delicate, they do not require washing with the strongest detergents otherwise they will wear out your curtains. Also, curtains do not require scrubbing. Most curtains need light washing. Scrubbing of any kind can cause wear and tear to your curtains specially to delicate fabrics like lace curtains.

Hence, Curtain Cleaning Sydney is a really easy procedure to do but only when done with proper care and maintenance. Curtains require cleaning after every three to five months and a professional dry clean each year to make sure that the curtains are deep cleaned professionally. This will not only make your curtains look good as new and crisp. They will also make sure that the curtains smell good.


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